Which edition of “How to Make Profits in Commodities” do you have?

August 16, 2012


Did you know there are eight different editions of W.D. Gann’s “How to Make Profits in Commodities”?

While the last five editions are very similar except for dust jackets and printing number, the two I am going to tell you about may surprise you.

In 1951, W.D. Gann sold his book business and copyrights to Ed Lambert, his partner.  They had printed an edition of “How to Make Profits in Commodities” at the same time.


As part of the business deal, W.D. Gann updated “How to Make Profits in Commodities” with forecasts of the coming years.

A total of eight charts in the back of the book were changed showing forecasts for the next 5 years!  Quite a confident and calculated move.

Would you purchase a book showing a reliable forecast for the next 5 years?

The updated charts included May Corn, November Soybeans, Coffee, October Cotton, Cotton Seed Oil, October Eggs, Rubber, and May Wheat.

Did the forecasts come true??

How did W.D.Gann come up with these forecasts?  The Ephemeris, his master cycle charts, or his mechanical method as explained in the Commodity Course?

That is up to you to find out-Let us know with a comment what your findings are.

So Ed Lambert, the copyright holder,  printed out a second version of the 1951 “How to Make Profits in Commodities” with the updated charts in the same year.


But there are differences…

It’s not as easy as looking at the copyright page-as they are EXACTLY THE SAME.

The biggest difference is the addition of the forecasts, but there is an easier way to tell which version you have.

What color is the cover of the book?  Blue or Purple? The purple book is the earlier 1951 edition.

There are also variations in the placement of page numbers over the updated charts.

Lastly, Ed Lambert changed the advertising in the rear of the book.

Below are pictures illustrating some of these differences between the two 1951 versions, note the binding colors.

Happy Hunting!


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To purchase the latest version of “How to Make Profits in Commodities”, CLICK HERE.

1 Comment »

  1. Hi COdy

    Seems it was one more edition, 1937.

    Comment by Antistes — August 29, 2016 @ 8:32 pm

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